01 May 2013

Major problem.

I hate it when my stomach is bloated and ugly.

It would be so nice if the food fill up my boobs than my stomach.

Polyvore: Casual


Casual #1

Lazy and cozy

Casual #2

Out with girlfriends

Casual #3

Visiting Grandma

Casual #4

This set i did it myself. Hope you like it. Something that i would personally wear.

Like lemon.

What i hate is when i am force to do something that i am not willing to.

Life is so sour..


I cannot wait to have my own job.

Life is boring...

Yes man?

I am a "yes" person.
I tend to accept help from others although im not willing to.

But for some reason,
Its hard for me to say no.

Are you a YES MAN?


Rasa letih dan tak bermaya.

18 March 2013

Sleeping cannot be a habit.

I like to sleep.
I tend to forget every little things,
pains, heartaches, negativity

Then sleeping became a trend
and i misused it.
I sleep during daylight and wide awake during nighttime.

Then it became habit.

03 March 2013

Hari ini

Hari ini, buat bodoh di rumah.
Baring atas sofa, tengok tv sambil termenung hingga tertidur.

Hari ini, tak ke mana.
Macam biasa, duduk di rumah buang masa.

Hari ini seperti hari hari yang lain.

27 February 2013


Sorry for all the things that happened
The things that happened too often

But sorry seems to be the hardest word.

26 February 2013

in somn ia

Aku selalu tidur lewat.
Sebab belum rasa mengantuk
Paling lewat tidur Jam 4 pagi, itu pun terpaksa.

Insomnia agaknya.


I am tempted to shop, for clothes of course.
My wardrobe is like a secondhand store 'cause ive been keeping the same outfit for the longest time.
i need a change.

Ive been receiving allowance from my parents,
promised them i help with the house chores in return.
Im saving up or, at least learn to save up for the future.

Im not a good savers, tho.
I spend cash like water.. well most of us do

25 February 2013

Selamat pagi, kawan!

Bangun tepat jam 7.30 pagi.

Bangunkan adik di bilik sebelah dan naik atas untuk bangunkan mummy.
Berus gigi yang berbesi, cuci muka
dan terus online.

Selamat pagi, semua.

24 February 2013

Layan lagu sebelum tidur.

Good night! I spend the whole day on the internet. Time for nap.

Mercun? No thanks

Puas sangat dengar mercun sejak Tahun baru cina.

Mercun yang dipasang tidak berhenti-henti.
Sangat menyakitkan telinga.
Bosan juga hari-hari dengar mercun
macam ada orang berperang.

Aku mahu cipta mercun yang ada lagu,
mungkin orang ramai lagi seronok dengar bunyi lagu daripada bunyi bom.

Eh, meletup...